If I forgot to add your entry to the list or you want to be added, please email me. Next week's theme is TV and movies: favorites, reviews, or why you don't like them.
After a lifetime of insomnia Talia Mana is excited to find a great book on improving sleep. Read about
Good Night's Sleep.
Ann M. writes, "I wrote about what what a dork I was when I worked in publishing."
Debi Martin:
Recently Read: Book ReviewsA book meme at
smithicalMichele of
Life Under the Sun shares her favorite
books of the Bible and asks you to share yours.
Gattina: "I have read a book about phobias. Maybe some blogging chicks suffer from blogphobia for this theme?" (warning: graphic graphic)
Owlhaven shares a review of
The Mommy ManualSouthern Girl: "The beginning of Savory Sunday, a weekly feature with book reviews and recipes -- something for your mind and tummy."
Gretchen writes, "Have you ever wondered what a guy was thinking? What is going through his mind when he has that look on his face? If these are questions you want answered, pick up a copy of this new book
For Young Women Only and get ready for an eye-opening look into the hearts and minds of the opposite sex."
Amanda over at
following an unknown path has been
lost in the 1600's while reading some awesome historical fiction. She invites us to stop by to make more reading recommendations for her.
The Not Quite Crunchy Parent reviews the
Read-Aloud HandbookLaurel Wreath shares one of her favorite book finds last year that she read during a fall reading challenge.
Who would ever guess that
Of Making Many Books is all over this theme? Rebecca invites you to join her in
a reading challenge, or to make up your own reading list!
Mama Duck has
13 toddler booksWanna fun Book Meme? Robin at PENSIEVE is revisiting
an oldie but a goodie and she wants to hear YOUR answers!