There will be no Carnival next week but there will be one the following week.
Michele from Life Under the Sun did not like Thr3e
A Cowboy's Wife: "Keeping Your Man Happy" and "Don't Slave Away...Win Jay"
Gretchen What if Japan refuses to apologize?
Join Tasra Dawson for the End of Summer Blog-Abration at Lessons from the Scrapbook Page. It's your chance to win some amazing prizes, including a $150 Shopping Spree from Christa Taylor's chic clothing line.
CyberCelt has good news to report about the situation in Darfur on Texas RV Travel blog.
CyberCelt has bad news about the drought in Arizona on Endangered Spaces blog.
Oh Mr. Darcy! Stop by Julie Carobini's site to discover which Jane Austen heroine you most resemble.
Confessing7girl: "Celebrity Aging"