Sorry about that, I almost forgot about the Carnival! As you can see we didn't receive many posts, you can submit anything you posted this week, don't be shy :-) Email me your entry. This post will probably sit here all week and you may even get a hit or two :-)
From Talia at Centre for Emotional Well-Being: How useful is children's art as a diagnostic tool?
Mama Duck presents 13 outdoor birthday food ideas.
In the wake of terrible flooding in Texas, CyberCelt shares where visitors to Texas can check weather, lake and river levels, and road conditions on Texas RV Blog. She asks that you do the same for visitors to your state.
Amanda from following an unknown path discusses the results of a really fun design style quiz. So, what's your design style?
Mary's post talks briefly about a sweet boy with Autism that has learned to use humor to communicate.
Travel Betty: "It's about my climb up Mt. Sinai a couple months back."
Loni: "Here is a post from last week on friends of ours stuck in Cambodia as they are trying to bring their adopted children home after 18 months of no-ends of paperwork and hassles."