Sunday, April 01, 2007

Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #35 Easter/Passover

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWhat happened guys? Didn't want to blog about Easter yet? If you want to email me something today or this week, feel free and I'll add it. Remember, there will not be a Carnival next Sunday. I'll leave this post up all week so that you can keep checking in to see what's been added. Remember that this Carnival is open to all female bloggers.

CyberCelt shares a heartfelt prayer on Texas RV Travel blog.

Mama Duck has ideas for what to put inside your toddler's Easter eggs this year.

LeftCoastOnlooker shares an Easter poem she tripped across & some thoughts from Ben Hur.

The Pink Flamingo is up and running, with my commentary on Palm Sunday. Needless to say I am in a snarky mood!

Michele of Life Under the Sun blogs about The Unexpected King. She also blogs about what Israel expected and what they should have expected here.

Irene blogs about the tradition in her church of giving an Easter candle to her godchild.

Mercy's Maid: "I wrote an entry about Pilate’s role in the crucifixion of Jesus."

Pamela: Parade of thoughts and Flowers.

Catez has a clip from the Jeus Christ Superstar movie of Yvonne Elliman singing I Don't Know How to love Him - and thoughts on Mary Magdalene, passion, and the reason for love as she meditates on Easter.

Swampwitch: Rye Grass Easter Baskets