Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Update: The Rule Change
Pull Down Menu Colors
Policy Change
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
No Internet Connection!
That means no new additions. Email me your url and I will process them in the order that I receive them.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Blogroll Change
Code for Everything But the Blogroll
Finally! Here is all the code except for the blogroll and if you have any problems, email me (Blogging chicks only, everyone else is on their own :-). Also, check the icon url and make sure that an extra http and this, not-a-real-namespace wasn't added to the url. Take it out if it was.
Scroll bar:
Scroll box:
Your Announcement Here
You write the announcement, put in a link to your blog, make sure you write it in the third person and then email me the html code. Now, for those of you who are new to blogging, pretend like you're going to post something to your blog, when you are done writing go to edit html and copy the html code from there and email it to me.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
More icons and an announcement graphic

Take what you want. These were created by Tabz when we were coming up with an icon for the blogroll.
Also,Wystful 1 has an icon that she created.
Also, instead of writing an announcement about the group you could post this:

Isn't cute? This was created by G a b r i e l l e. I love being on a blogroll with creative people.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Update: Let me make this clear
At this moment no one has the blogroll because blogrolling is not working right now.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Scroll Bars
Aaaaaarrrrgh!!!!!!! Don't use that swear word, swear word code that I posted here. Please email me what type of scroll bar you want and I will send the code until I can figure out how to post swear word html code.
Sometimes you have to use swear words to express your emotions :-).
Hey! Look what I found clicking through the blogroll
Let me make this very clear
Friday, May 19, 2006
100! Yes, we are there!! WooHoo!

It is my joy to tell you that we've just added our 100th blog today!!!!! Yes, we have 100 blogs on our blogroll and it's all thanks to you guys, you are great. And we did it in only 3 months (can we stand another exclamation point, I think we can :-)!
Drum roll, please. And the winner goes to:
She explains the title of her blog here. Please go over and congratulate her for having the 100th blog in our blogroll. Because of her, we made my goal :-) much earlier.
Now, let's start on 200!
Shout out to Seven New Chicks
Welcome to Leslie from Texas! Check out haply thinking to see what her kids should be on the look out for.
Hi to keltic&swiss from the US! Let her know if you have any book recommendations at I Read So You Don't Have To.
Not only is she moving 3/4 of the world away, she's moved her blog to show she's moving Into Australia.
Welcome to snarkypants Lisa! Gotta love her... she admits that "a clean house is a sign of a broken computer".
Hello to Writer Mom Nan, from Canada. She's already loving the group or is it maybe just Michele's new picture on the sidebar.
Hi to Whispers of the Morning! We may just have to ask her to speak up a bit though.
Welcome to Paula from Altlanta! Check out her stories to "walk by faith" at Paula's Walk.
Please be sure to stop by and say hello to all the new chicks.
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
I Really Hate IE
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hey, Blogging Chicks!
We Have Slowed Down!
Come on people, please commit. Don't make me get all used-car-salepersony here!
Shout Out to Two New Blogging Chicks
Dani from MD has a second blog listed now; Dani's Daily Thoughts! Go check out some beautiful poetry that she's posted for Grandma's.
Hello to Seraphim from Cypress! Stop by to check out some of her thoughtful posts at Seraphim's Journal of Muses.
Hi to KP from the US! Check out some posts about her life with her little ones at Basket-Balls & Baby-Dolls.
Please be sure to stop by wand welcome all the new chicks!
Pamela Lynn
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Go Check Out -a m e t a m o r p h o s e l f
Also, go to my blog and check out my blogrolls. I used < style="height:250px; overflow:auto;"> to make all my blogrolls uniform with the style of my linked list. Go check it out. If you use this make sure you include the ending tag < /div> and take out the spaces.
Shout Out to Three More Chicks
Hello to Kellie! Take a peak how she spent her mother's day at Mrs. Egg and Her Little Chickies. I have a dumb question (and only in kidding) if she's Mrs. Egg how can she be a blogging chick yet? Sorry, I couldn't help it...
Welcome to Kdubs from the East Coast! Please check out the beautiful artwork her husband did of her at Reflections of a not so Ordinary Mom.
Hi Welshy from the United Kingdom! Check out her new layout background at 威爾士女孩 Green pastures, still waters.
Please be sure to stop by and welcome all the new Blogging Chicks.
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
Shout Out to Four More Chicks
Welcome to Rach from Vancouver Island! Take a peak at her life at Dutch Femka.
Hi to Kristie at Eva Las Vegas! Go see where she recently vacationed, it sounds wonderful!
Hello Michelle from Washington! You have to go see her concert flutist and her little man at Faith, Family & Friends, they are just adorable.
Be sure to wish Marie from Sweden safe travels on her summer sailing at http://www.coolabah.com/ausblog/marie/.
Pamela Lynn
Shout Out to Four New Chicks
Welcome to Gabrielle from Jakarta, Indonesia! Check out her "Quickie" sidebar of stuff about her at -a m e t a m o r p h o s e l f, she has some pretty cool things.
Hey Tasha from South-eastern Michigan. Stop by A Day in the Life of..... and take a peek at some of the pictures of her two precious daughters.
Hi to Pia from NY. At Courting Destiny she discsses subjects dear to her heart, great reading.
Hello Dani from MD. Check out her artwork at Dani3D.com - The Blog.
Please be sure to stop by and welcome all the new chicks!
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Welcome to Ten New Chicks
Welcome to the youngest (I think?) blogging chick... conservativekat at A Place for Politics.
Check out Bex Life to see what life is like in paradise.
Check out Elle's random conversation at Domesticated Bloggage.
Check out why Kristie's blog has the name Martha's Distraction.
Get a dose of sarcasm from Boodafli in SC at the Peanut Gallery.
Welcome to Tori from The OC! Check out how her day started today at Queen Victoria.
Shna from Prince Edward Island has a cool idea, love her BQotD at Shna's Crazed Rantings.
Welcome to Little Miss Chatterbox! Check out where she went with her American Girls group at The Chatterbox Chronicles.
Little Orange Fox from AlabamaThe Outlaw Republican. Thanks for the shout out to "visit the next big thing in bloggin"!
Check out Margalit's self introduction, pretty cool, at What was I THINKING?
Be sure to stop by and welcome all our new Blogging Chicks!
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I'm Gone Until Tuesday
To join go here.
Scroll Bar for the Blogroll
Updated to add: I had to take the scroll bar down because I don't want people posting the group until I've accepted them into the group. If you want the scroll bar, email me.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Update on the scroll bars for your blogroll
Truth Laid Bear
Friday, May 12, 2006
Welcome to Nine New Blogging Chicks
Today we welcome nine new Blogging Chicks.
Check out Suzie's, from Boca Raton FL, Assortted Babble. Check out her assorted posts and her News scroll.
Karen from Georgia, has an awesome post on Secrets and marriage, be sure to look for it at Changed by His Love.
Cheerios on My Butt from the southwest US, has some adorable photos of her kids at Children and Cheerios, On the Loose!
Mama C-ta from B’more city has a challenge to go figure out where "Cricket" is, be sure to stop by and guess!
Minnie from TX, can't wait to see some of her Minnie Moments from her hospital stay sounds like she made the best of the experience.
Beckie from New Hope, VA. Be sure to stop by My Fun Side to wish her a happy birthday because it's coming up soon. At My Photo Blog she's sharing some pictures taken with her new present. (Editted to Add) Check out Beckie's third blog to see what she is passionate about.
Nicki from Michigan thinks she a bad mom, go stop by Piled Seven High to help convince her that she isn't.
JenLo from Upstate NY; stop by Thinks By Me to find out what an "oreh" is.
Check out where Umm 'Skandar has been and how it has shaped her life at Umm 'Skandar: One mother's global interests.
Be sure to stop by and give a warm welcome to the new Blogging Chicks!
TTFN~Pamela Lynn
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Shout out to Six New Blogging Chicks
Hi to Mia from NY! She has some great graphics for her blog and found an awesome chicks picture for her shout out on Mia: Shaken Not Stirred!
Hello to Susan from Ohio! Her request is "Please dont hangupon me just yet...try me out."
Welcome to another scrapbooker! Karmyn R from Oregon at Dreaming What Ifs.
Hi to Lauren at Created for HIS Glory. Love her honesty about herself, check out some of her title bar items or even her Thursday Thirteen to see what I mean.
Jade from Arizona has two unique looks for her site Jaded Sunburns. They are both pretty cool.
Welcome to Owlhaven! She grew up in a family with 8 children and now she is a home schooling mom of 8 children.
Pamela Lynn
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Welcome to New Blogging Chicks
Hi to Tricia from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She's author of two of our new blogs on the list Tricia's Musings and Odd Planet. Check out her profile on Odd Planet for an interesting birth date.
Hello to Eph2810 from Arizona. Her two blogs are Sting My Heart and My Lighter Side. Check out her new layout, on the Lighter Side, it's very pretty.
Hey to KristieD from Florida. She has a beautiful post about her mom on Just Venting.
Welcome to Natalie from Ottawa! Love the warning sign in the side bar on Said the Girl.
Pamela Lynn
Monday, May 08, 2006
Wanted HTML Savvy Chick
Also, I want to make code available for a scrollable box for the blogroll.
If anyone can help me I would be very grateful and you would have my love and affection but not my cash :-).
Sunday, May 07, 2006
The Thursday Thirteen Group
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Need a New Template?
Templates*: $15, includes coding and custom images. Additional image packs (link back buttons, anti-pixel and avatar) the pack of 3 an extra $3.
*WordPress Themes AND Installation*: $20, includes coding of template, (or hacking of template if they choose a premade theme they want customized-with original author’s credits in place as well as my modification credit, which is basically what most WordPress themes are) plus uploading via ftp to their site for installation. They must already have a webhost company which supports php/mysql. I’ll set the database up for them-with permission for access to do so. If they want plugins installed and integrated in the blog this is an additional $1 per plugin.
Tags: Web Design, Template
Friday, May 05, 2006
Problem with the Blogroll
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Gmail Problems
Shout Out to Five New Chicks
Say hello to Killired! She's got tons of fun internet and blog stuff on her blog. Thanks for the daily Sudoku mini puzzle.
Hi to Kim from Hiraeth! Kim has lots of interesting reading/studies and great pictures of her flowering trees at her house.
Welcome to Wystful1 from TX! She has a very pretty lady in green for her header at ...Thanks for the Memories!
Hey there to ribbiticus, she's at the 8th lilypad, faerie lake, enchanted forest. Love the idea of Ubiquitous Quiz Thursday on her Pond Perspective blog.
Go check out the different color styles at Moogie's World. They are really cool.
Pamela Lynn
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Truth Laid Bear
Shout Out to More New Blogging Chicks
This is my first time posting here as a guest instead of emailing to Michele. Thanks Michele for the invite. Hope I'm doing a good job.
Suzanne from Vancouver Island, Canada has three of our new blogs on the list: at My Family Life her latest post has a video clip of her adorable daughter playing t-ball, at My Temptations she has some wonderful looking recipes and at Purple Pear she is posting about her pregnancy. Maybe one of us could help her out with her latest question there?
Welcome to Lifecrusier ! She has an awesome new name for our group of bloggers... we're in the "chickosphere"! And by the way... I guess I'm now a "blogging chick blogging chick blogging chick". Wow that could get confusing.
Hi to Tracy L from the Panhandle in FL. On her blog, Strong Enough she has an awesome self portrait collage for her introductions to herself.
Lala at LaLa Land Get Your Game Face On has a cool site.
Please be sure to stop by and say hello to all our new chicks!
New Additions to the Blogroll (Guest blogger Pamela Lynn)

Hey all! I'm just trying to help Michele out by introducing several new Blogging Chicks. I'm hoping I won't miss anyone, sorry if I have, please just let me know and I will correct it as soon as I can.
Let's welcome "Supermom" at What Makes a Housewife Desperate?. Her posts are upbeat and mainly about her life and being a mom.
Be sure to stop by TNChick's blog. She poses some interesting questions and she has a cool Photo Hunt. A couple of our other new blogging chicks are part of that blogroll as well... Kelly from Florida at Life as I know It says it best... Blogging Chicks Rock! Say hello to a Spring chicken.... Chilady from Cloudland, Georgia Here is a Blog for Chilady.
Kendra from Winston Salem, NC at Mama K's World is a SAHM and has an adorable cartoon picture of herself.
OK that's all for tonight, I think... I'm starting to get tired... it is after all way past my bedtime at 12:30 am...
Pamela Lynn Time Flutters By
Updated to add: OOPS! There are a few sites that are not on this list! Maybe Pamela Lynn could send me another post with the rest.