Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Theme week is March 10th

This week, no theme. I messed up the date but it works in my favor so I'm keeping it. Send me a Carnival submission of anything you want by Sat 12 Midnight.

Also, continue to submit themes. Please make them general, it's easier that way.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

I won't be doing any Blogging Chicks business until next week

I'm going to be overwhelmed for the next few days ( if you are interested in why, you can read about it here). I'm taking this week off from the Carnival and we will have a theme Carnival next week, March 10th. You pick the theme. Leave me your choice of theme in the comment section.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Look, we all have to play nice here!

There is a wide diversity of opinion and beliefs on this blogroll and I'm trying to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable here. I would ask that you refrain from using incendiary language on the Metablog. Let's respect each other's right to believe what we want to believe, at least here on the Metablog.

BTW, I know I'm late on switching to the headlines from the new featured blog and I promise to give you extra time because of it. You'll have a month on the Metablog to make up for it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #30

Sorry the Carnival was late this week, I fell asleep! I should never have started a new blogroll and two new networks (if you don't know what I'm talking about, look at the previous posts) when I also have a really bad cold and recovering from surgery. Too much! And just as I was putting the finishing touches on it, I messed the whole thing up and had to start again!

If I forgot your post, email me and I will include it. Light fare this week guys, what's up with us? I didn't even have anything to submit. [I was able to come up with something and if I can do it, so can you. ] If you didn't submit a post, just grap an url of some post you liked and email it to me with a brief description! Come back later on and see if anyone decided to submit something.

Talia Mana interviews Therese Borchard about being a mother with depression and anxiety and an author of books on motherhood, marriage and Catholicism.

scribbit: "Five Points of Time Managment for Children"

Lucy of An Ordinary Mom talks about the daunting yet awe-inspiring task of being a mother.

Mama Duck shares ideas for overcoming fears about the scary drains.

Catez Stevens of Allthings2all has an interview with Gregory Laughery, Director of Swiss L'Abri and author of Living Spirituality. "We discuss rock concerts, spiritual optimism, authenticity, and living in community - among other things!"

Irene: "This week I am writing about Carnival, its history and related traditions from the antiquity to modern time celebrations."

local girl at An Island Life: Short, Fat, & Big-Headed

Erin rants about being a "second wife."

Michele from Life Under the Sun reviews Bridge to Terabithia and is surprised that it wasn't what she expected.

MC Milker Talks about "Giraffe Talk" at Not Quite Crunchy Parent.

Laurel Wreath reminds us God is in all the details of our life.

The Pink Flamingo is up with another report on the ongoing cat soap opera.

Gattina: "Funny story : Visit to a cimetary"

Rebecca needs some help with renaming her blog.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I've Created a Blogging Chicks Network

At Feedburner. It's open to all women whether you are on the blogroll or not (though, the same restrictions apply: no hate sites, etc. go see the restrictions here).

Here is a synopsis of Feedburner Networks:

FeedBurner has launched a new service to give its publishers the ability to organize themselves into networks, groups of folks who publish similar content and want band together to leverage the power of many to cross-promote their content and get more attention.
Email me your url or leave a comment with your email address and url and I will mail you an invitation. When you email me make sure you say that you want to join the "Blogging Chicks Network."

I've also created one for the Christian Blogosphere, go here for details.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Christian Blogosphere Blogroll

OK, it's not like I don't have anything else to do with my time but since the Christian Bloggers aren't accepting any new members, I figured I would start a blogroll for Christians. I want to promote Christian blogs the way I'm promoting women blogs.

Go here to find out more information about the requirements for joining the blogroll.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day, Chicks!!

So, I've already started eating my Valentine's Day chocolate, how about you? I've added another entry to the Love Carnival, go check it out!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #29 Love Theme

I'm really bad about making sure everyone who emailed me makes it into the Carnival, so let me know if I forgot you. Please remember to link to the Carnival, especially if you're in it.

There will be a Carnival next week but there isn't a theme.

I have been going through the blogroll and deleting blogs that aren't displaying the blogroll (I also send an email letting them know that they've been dropped). Please make sure that you have the blogroll someplace where I can find it.

Local Girl of Island Life Finally Found Prince Charming

Fate hits Maritzia in He's all I never knew I always wanted

LeftCoastOnlooker shares the tale of two, who learned of God's love.

Janet writes "When I think about love, I think about my daughter. She is my one true love..."

Barbara: "Here is a story of how my husband and I fell in love."

Malissa rambles about her Valentines memories.

Laurel Wreath talks about expectations and Valentine's Day.

Mary posts Love is... Part Two (the grungy version), at Almost Somewhat Positive.

Michele explains what love has caused her to do.

CyberCelt wants you to experience romance on history on Valentine's Day over at Texas RV Travel blog.

Michele of Life Under the Sun decided to be different and wrote of the top ten reasons she loves blogging :-)

Gattina: What is love?

Erin: "I wrote about what I don't want to receive from my husband on Valentine's Day."

Julie Carobini's family puts their love in action as she launches Chocolate Beach. Check it out.

Sarah: "My title is "Love is...a timeline" and it's a time line of me and my husbands relationship from July of 98 til now."

Irene's post is entitled, Love Unconquered, "I am writing about different forms of love through poetry."


Friday, February 09, 2007

Reminder: Carnival this week

We are having a theme this week in honor of Valentine's Day: Love! Write something about love and email me your description and url.

Next week there won't be a theme but there will be a Carnival.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #28

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingIf I forgot your entry, please email me and let me know. Please don't forget to link to the Carnival. If you want to submit an entry, email me today and I will include it.

Next week the theme will be love in honor of Valentine's Day.

BTW, I had mentioned that I was going to make an announcement of a new feature for the Metablog but after some investigation, I determined it would not work out.

Laurel Wreath would like to introduce you to her cousin.

Maritzia writes about her sister-in-law and holds her up as a positive female role model in Hooray for Anja

There is a season: "It's about my "friend" - "Hope" ;-)"

Been to Vegas? Planning on going? Drink from Virginia's pool of knowledge on the subject of Sin City!

Gretchen says of her post, Unique Does Not Describe You,"Finding better ways to accurately explain who you are and what you represent."

Anna Venger discusses her theories about names and the significance of a new name in "What's in a Name"

Ann says of her post "It is about the first time I actually felt married--my husband had to lose an organ to truly make me understand what it all meant."

Michele of Life Under the Sun ponders her inability to ponder.

CyberCelt of CoolAdzine for Marketers laughs at terror and invites you to a blog party.

At Dreaming What Ifs... Karmyn R muses about selling a vehicle and the misunderstanding of her 3 year old in The Shape of Things.

Malissa's shares her inspiration journal idea with you.

Mama Duck
has 13 musical toy gift ideas for toddlers.

Gattina: "The entry is called 'Prison Talk' and tells the story of a felon who wanted to go back to prison but was not let in!"

Liz contemplates what her life path or purpose in life is supposed to be.

The Pink Flamingo is going to a movie tomorrow (once a year) and is posting today. The Great Cat Soap Opera Is Reaching a Swan Song!

Talia Mana from Centre for Emotional Well-Being shares the benefits of furry friends (complete with adorable puppy photos) and why venting anger can cause heartache for women.

Julie at Another Chance Ranch laughed out loud when she posted this. It is the funniest thing she has seen in a long time. Check it out!

MCMilker updates her seasonal table to reflect the waning of Winter

I'm Just Saying: "The topic is sort of a photo blog about getting stuck in traffic trying to run errands in the rain."

In which Michele attempts to answer the question, "How do you do it?"

Irene: America, America

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Share the Love Awards and there is a Carnival this week

A lot of the Blogging Chicks have been nominated for a Share the Love awards. I didn't even know about it until someone emailed me that one of my blogs had been nominated. You can vote here, I'm sure you'll find some of your favorite bloggers on the list.

And there is a Carnival on Sunday but there will not be a theme. So email me a description and the url to your post by midnight (EST).