Sunday, January 21, 2007

Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #26

If I forgot your entry, please email me and let me know. Please don't forget to link to the Carnival. If you want to submit an entry, email me today and I will include it.

Talia from the Centre for Emotional Well-Being asks ‘Is the cure worse than the illness?’ in part 1 of this 2 part blog post on taking antidepressants for depression, anxiety and bipolar illness.

Laurel Wreath wants to know, why do I have to be thankful in all things.

LeftCoastOnlooker wants you to know her f-i-l is one of the special people we sometimes get the privelege of having in our lives, and she invites you to play a game with her students!

Rebecca describes her first (and only) real relationship and why it was such a flop.

Michelle from scribbit: You Have to Know the Right Question to Ask.

Virginia explains why Spellchecker is your friend—and her one exception to this rule.

CyberCelt of Texas RV Travel blog hopes to make a small difference in the world by making more people aware of the plight of the people of Darfur. Will you Help The People of Darfur?

Mary (mert) starts the "story of us" in part one of You had me at "you kind of annoy me", in which she sets the back drop for meeting her future husband.

According to Lisa, "You can never have too many cell phones – or keys...."

anna blogs about her quite home.

Michele of Reformed Chicks Blabbing asks the question: "Since when are SAHM considered trophy wives?"

Malissa at Malissa's Merry Go Round says "You know you're from Wisconsin if..."

Gattina: "My post for blogging chicks is called: Using a Computer at 6o? The fear so many elder women have to touch a computer."

SJ Reidhead from The Pink Flamingo says, "I have a question: What is your Greatest Treasure? Check today's Pink Flamingo for more. I would love to hear from you about it."

Lucy from An Ordinary Mom shares some witty observations from her 5 year old daughter.