Are you a real woman? Real women scrap AND blog...learn a few lessons on friendship, sisterhood, scrappin' and blogging at Tasra Dawson's blog: Lessons from the Scrapbook Page.
Lindsey from Suspension of Disbelief loves learning about the latest technology through reading blogs, and forming different and diverse friendships through writing on her blog and reading the blogs of her new bloggy friends!
Jennifer, Snapshot manages to continue her series, and merge the Wizard of Oz, blog-love, and a book review in Self-Confidence in Philippians.
Over a cup of tea, T. brings her blog opinions about current events, religion, and politics to the table, making a difference in the world one post at a time.
Debbie tells how blogging has become her way of self-expression about herself, her life, family, friends and so much more!
Nikkie writes about the many ways she loves blogging.
In Dreaming What Ifs... Karmyn R begins to wonder if her love of blogging is healthy. Sure there are tons of negatives. But in the end, it is the positives that far outweigh any argument that can be made against it!
Gina at Portrait of a Writer...Interrupted loves how blogging connects her with people all over the world. In fact, after you read this post, she's sure you'll be well connected too!
Robin was surprised to find a Parallel Universe she had no idea existed when she entered the blogosphere almost a year ago. She's been loving it ever since, although she didn't go "public" with her blog til Spring.
Polly at Life is a Buffet is blogging with love, but, what's with the clanging cymbal?
Anna loves blogging for the revenge.
Katrina at Callapidder Days loves to get comments on her blog posts. But she particularly enjoys receiving comments from someone named "Anonymous." Read all about it at Introducing...Anonymous.
Julie at Another Chance Ranch loves the reality part of blogging! Is it like the internet's version of a reality television show? Let her know what you think?
Lisa at Lil Duck Duck celebrates two months of captured memories through her blog.
Rachelle complains that blogging keeps her skinny but is happy that it also prevents her getting too much sleep in "Lack of TV and Too Many Friends."
Kim, from Balance My Chaos, loves blogging so much she participates in this carnival on vacation!
Kuanyin says of her post, "I have posted a photo of a joyful leaping dolphin. And I speak of the Carnival Coming to Town & My Blog and a sentence about joy."
Jen says of her post, "I love the chance to vent anonymously. I love seeing comments and linkies and getting to 'know' other bloggers. I like having a chance to practice writing skills in a non-threatening environment..."
Frazzled LaShawn loves everything about blogging and shows some love for one of her favorite reads.
It is trifold why Iris at Sting my Heart loves blogging. Sharing hope and encouragement her primary reason why she is blogging. Find out more in her post "Sharing the Truth."
CyberCelt writes about the unique tribe that wait for someone to visit, to comment, to validate their efforts, to share advice--TO CONNECT.
AmandaM at Imagine Bright Futures looks at how Liver Families' Forum members find a chance to chuckle in the midst of the seriousness of pediatric liver disease.
Michele of Life Under the Sun realizes that she loves the techy side blogging.
Heather asks, "Why blog?"
Flipflop Mamma's first carnival post. This is what she says of her blog,"My carnival post is up! The link to it is below. Here's a little blurb about my blog: I'm 28 years old and I live in Illinois. I have 2 beautiful daughters ages 10 years and 8 months. I am married to a pastor and loving it! I'm a little flip, a little flop, and a whole lotta mamma!"
JenLo at Thinks By Me says that what began as a way to stay in touch with her out-of-town family became a full-blown obsession that has become a daily habit.
Melissa at Making things Up stumbles upon what she likes about blogging while pondering the all-important question: Am I a mommyblogger?
Carolyn at A Prairie View reflects on how her life long history of journaling evolved into blogging. She sometimes falls into the "wannba" trap, but for the most part, knows she is accepted in the blogging world, and that is what she loves about blogging.
Malissa at Malissa's Merry Go Round explains why she blogs.
DCRMOM shares how she got started blogging and the challenges and surprises she has found along the way.
Dogfaceboy, of A Doggy's Life, shows, rather than tells, what she loves about blogging, in Yellow. (Of course she gives it away at the end, in case you missed it. And you might have.)
Marti was looking for a hobby.
It's a trip back in time for Julie Carobini as she talks about her love of blogging.
Samantha says, "I just want to share all the things that I love about blog-land! Things that make me happy, and things that touch me deeply..."
Karen at Changed by His Love recalls the reason for blogging in the first place and all those people who touch her life each day.