LeftCoastOnlooker was thinking about Flag Day last week.
Swampwitch: "Come Celebrate My Birthday with Me"
Diva blogs about when opportunity knocks
Anne: "Why is it all so complicated?"
Southern Girl: "This is my Father's Day tribute to my dad that I posted last Sunday."
Find out the connection between coffee and creativity at Tasra's blog, Lessons from the Scrapbook Page.
Talia: Meditation improves focus and performance.
Gattina blogs about her new identity card.
CyberCelt shares her thoughts on Father's Day on Advertising for Success blog.
T: Blogs about Father's Day.
Malissa asks for prayer for her sister.
Michelle asks the question, “What’s important to you?” as she reflects upon her recent teaching experience that raised public awareness about the consumption of plastic bags in her statistics course.