Saturday, March 31, 2007
Don't forget that we have a Carnival tomorrow
I've only received one entry. The Carnival is open to all female bloggers and it's an Easter/Passover theme. It doesn't have to be religious since Easter is a national holiday (at least here in America).
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
We will be having a Easter/Passover Carnival this Sunday
This Carnival is open to all female bloggers whether you are on the blogroll or not.
Feel free to email me your description and link by Saturday at 12 midnight (EST).
The following week, Easter Sunday, there will be no Carnival.
Feel free to email me your description and link by Saturday at 12 midnight (EST).
The following week, Easter Sunday, there will be no Carnival.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #34

Lindsey at Suspension of Disbelief reviews the movie version of one of her favorite plays - Rent!
Irene: "Please find my favorite (and not so favorite!) TV shows as well as the
recent not-to-be- missed films on my blog."
What does lunchmeat have to do with King Solomon? Catez finds a common thread as she looks at living in community.
My husband and I (city-people that we are!) are one step closer to becoming chicken parents! This post includes links to the kinds of chickens we’re getting in a few months’ time.
Darla confesses why showers wipe the screams away.
MC Milker, The Not Quite Crunchy Parent writes about socially responsible shopping.
Mama Duck has ideas for using toddler energy for a cleaner house.
Malissa shares a funny situation in I look like my Dad.
Laurel talks about the best place to be, when life hits you hard.
CyberCelt asks if you want to eat food with human genes or drink milk from cloned animals on Endangered Spaces, her new environmental blog.
Gretchen asks "What do you have to strive for when you've already been number one? "
The Pink Flamingo is trying to recover from a massive hard drive crash.
Gattina: "I wrote about the 50th anniversary of Europe."
Talia: "Do you worry too much? How to check if you are risk of generalized anxiety disorder."
Terri: "My first carnival submission is an ode to my freezer."
Michele of Reformed Chicks Blabbing blogs about husbands taking their wife's last name when they marry.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
We are having a Carnival tomorrow
There is no theme, so send me the link and a description of any post you want.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #33 Movie/TV Theme

I've rewritten the requirements page, you might want to read it because I mention the purpose of the blogroll and why I require everyone to display the blogroll.
I also collected all the links to the past Carnivals and put them in the Carnival post (there's a link for it in the menu above).
CyberCelt does not like network television, mostly because of the advertising. Click here to see an example of really poor advertising and, if you are offended as well, take action.
The Not Quite Crucnhy Parent tells Tales of a Fairy Garden
Michele of Life Under the Sun shares a video of Steve Harvey introducing Jesus Christ and why she has a love/hate relationship with TV.
Michelle has a list of the best movie soundtracks. Be sure to check the comments for additional suggestions.
Over at The Pink Flamingo I've listed a few of my favorite movies (it's at the bottom).
Tags: Blogging Chicks Carnival
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Previous Post
Ignore the previous post, I decided to use a form to register the new blogging chicks. It gives people a third option to submit their data.
To Join
There's a problem with the forms. I need to find a new way to do them. Email me your url and I will send you the code when I can. It's taking me a month right now to get to them, though I'm trying to make the effort to get to them all this week. We shall see.
My email address: michele dot luts at gmail.com
My email address: michele dot luts at gmail.com
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Announcement: A Carnival on Emotional Eating
Talia is having a Carnival on Emotional Eating and is looking for contributions:
I am looking for anything on emotional eating – people’s personal struggles with stress or emotional eating or eating disorders, how they overcame those eating problems and any tips they’d like to share. I’m not looking for general dieting tips as this is covered elsewhere. Instead I’d like to focus on the emotional aspects of eating.
More information on the carnival is here including a link to submit
Tags: Carnival, Emotional Eating
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #32 Book Theme

After a lifetime of insomnia Talia Mana is excited to find a great book on improving sleep. Read about Good Night's Sleep.
Ann M. writes, "I wrote about what what a dork I was when I worked in publishing."
Debi Martin: Recently Read: Book Reviews
A book meme at smithical
Michele of Life Under the Sun shares her favorite books of the Bible and asks you to share yours.
Gattina: "I have read a book about phobias. Maybe some blogging chicks suffer from blogphobia for this theme?" (warning: graphic graphic)
Owlhaven shares a review of The Mommy Manual
Southern Girl: "The beginning of Savory Sunday, a weekly feature with book reviews and recipes -- something for your mind and tummy."
Gretchen writes, "Have you ever wondered what a guy was thinking? What is going through his mind when he has that look on his face? If these are questions you want answered, pick up a copy of this new book For Young Women Only and get ready for an eye-opening look into the hearts and minds of the opposite sex."
Amanda over at following an unknown path has been lost in the 1600's while reading some awesome historical fiction. She invites us to stop by to make more reading recommendations for her.
The Not Quite Crunchy Parent reviews the Read-Aloud Handbook
Laurel Wreath shares one of her favorite book finds last year that she read during a fall reading challenge.
Who would ever guess that Of Making Many Books is all over this theme? Rebecca invites you to join her in a reading challenge, or to make up your own reading list!
Mama Duck has 13 toddler books
Wanna fun Book Meme? Robin at PENSIEVE is revisiting an oldie but a goodie and she wants to hear YOUR answers!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hey, people! We have a Carnival!
I would think that you all would have no problem with a book theme. Just dig into your archive and send me a link (and a description) to a book review or whatever that's related to books. As of now, I only have four entries.
BTW, the theme for next week's Carnival is favorite TV show or movie.
BTW, the theme for next week's Carnival is favorite TV show or movie.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Announcement: A search engine for women
Michelle of scribbit has created a search engine that searches the blogs of women:
It's a custom search engine powered by Google that searches select blogs on parenting, crafts, cooking, gardening and blogs by women. Normally when you search for a word or phrase Google returns millions of results, displaying the most popular based on their magic algorithms. For my custom search engine I have narrowed Google's parameters so that a search here will only return results from the blogs I've specified.
What does this mean?
Say you're writing a post on helping your child learn to read and would like to add to what others have written on the subject, by searching with this custom search engine you'd learn what Thrifty Mommy, Play Library, Rocks in My Dryer, Izzy Mom or the other thousand blogs on parenting have to say on the subject.
Read more about this new blog tool at http://scribbit.blogspot.com/
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #31

This week author and coach, Tasra Dawson shows us How to Get and Keep Your Purse Organized at Lessons from the Scrapbook Page.
Debi Martin: The Saga of the Spraying Choo, er, Toilet.
Gretchen: The Picture of Organized: A reflection of my Grandma, who passed away last month.
Bad Doggie at An Island Life
MC Milker, The Not Quite Crunchy Parent discusses when to start organized sports
Virginia borrowed this idea from fellow Blogging Chick: Gilmore Girls Fanatic—write a letter to your younger self offering advice from the future. Hindsight is always 20/20!
Lucy of An Ordinary Mom explains how "The Sound Of Music" describes most toddlers ... and teenagers.
Mama Duck chronicles 13 things that were thrown at her this week by the toddler.
Michele looks at the child care crises from her personal perspective.
Biker Betty writes "It's how you get treated differently depending on what you wear. When I wear my motorcycle protective gear I many times will be treated differently. I had a recent incident when subbing at a school and I had rode my motorcycle to work. Read all about it."
Erin blogged about prayer.
Michele of Life Under the Sun looks at the question of whether the Internet is good or bad in "Shift Happens."
Southern Girl says of her post,"It's about my dumpster-diving, trash-picking mother and how one's person's garbage is another's treasure."
Michele of Reformed Chicks Blabbing has been blogging (a lot) about the "Jesus" tomb controversy.
Tags: Carnival
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