Tuesday, September 26, 2006
There will not be a Carnival this week BUT THERE WILL BE ONE NEXT WEEK
There will be no Carnival this week but there will be one on October 8th. I have two tests next Tuesday, a Greek and a Hebrew test so I will be very busy this weekend studying. I don't think I will have time to put up a poll so I will be very undemocratic and say, let's do a theme on fall. Anything related to fall.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #14

Tracey demonstrates on video the complex art of braiding a six strand challah loaf. Whether you observe Shabbat or not, this beautiful challah will make your mouth water as the best bread on the planet for French Toast or slathered in real butter fresh from the oven. Check out her blog nav bar for the recipe as well!
Support the Race for the Cure. Kristied's friend has breast cancer and is looking for support. Please come on over and visit Just Venting and go support Bobbi in her fight against cancer.
Mama Duck presents "Still my sweet baby!!" at Lil' Duck Duck.
Owlhaven says she is Hereby revealing her laziness
Laurel Wreath talks about when "storms" hit your life, what do you do?
See what happens when Melissa tries to hang out with people other than her children.
Michele writes a letter to her biological mother, after her recent death.
The Domestic Goddess says of her post, "I had the opportunity to chat with writer and author Amy Guth as part of her book tour. Being that I am having a love affair with the internet, it seems fitting that I would take part in this book tour virtually!"
Iris at Sting My Heart is sharing her personal struggle with following God in her post "My Wander Years". But she also shares that God is a God of faithfulness and forgiveness for all who are seeking.
Michele of Life Under the Sun, begins a study of the book of Revelation.
Tasra says of her post, "Did you know that Simple Scrapbooks Get Results? Find out how at Lessons from the Scrapbook Page. You just might get some of those photos out of the
box and onto the page!"
Gattina of Writer's Cramp blogs about elections seen by an outsider.
Julie over at Another Chance Ranch wants to share her first experience at her hometown sypmphony and let you know that this wonderful concert about Oklahoma will be a travelling show, playing with several different symphonies. Enjoy!
Cathy from Sunday Morning Coffee picks up with Part Two of her exploration of Islamic Terrorism by looking at the terrorisit organization Muslim Brotherhood
Dogfaceboy tries to priorit-ugh
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Carnvial Tomorrow!
Hey! Did you guys forget that there's going to be a Carnival tomorrow? I've only received two posts for it. It's going to be a very short Carnival.
Tags: Carnival
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
No Carnival this week
There will be no Carnival this week (I have a Greek quiz next Tuesday, eeep!) We will have one the following week. It will not be a theme. If I get a chance this week, I will put up the theme poll. So, if you have an idea, you still have time to submit it. I was thinking we should do a netiquette theme, what are the things that bloggers do that bug you.
And I will be very slow to respond to emails, so you have been warned :-) I'm still accepting applications for the blogroll and will process them when I get a chance (I did five of them before the start of class this morning :-)
And I will be very slow to respond to emails, so you have been warned :-) I'm still accepting applications for the blogroll and will process them when I get a chance (I did five of them before the start of class this morning :-)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #13 Sept. 11

Updated again to add: I've added more, if you want me to include yours, it's not too late. Email me a 1 or 2 line description and a link to your post and I will include it when I can.
Updated yet again to add: If you are having trouble accessing the 2996 list of participants, go here. (Thanks to lumberjack for the link)
Please remember to link to the Carnival. Please let me know if I forgot your entry or if there is a problem with the links. I've included links to the 9-11 tributes when I noticed them on the blogs of those who submitted an entry. If you want your tribute included, email me but it might take me a while to include it:
Pamela remembers September 11, 2001 along with several frozen moments in time. She says The Dust Will Wait while you stop in and share them.
Kelly from Pass the Torch remembers the perfect fall stroll she took the morning of September 11th, and the utter confusion as the events unfolded.
Laurel Wreath remembers what she was doing September 11, 2001. She also has a tribute to a victim of 9-11 here.
Owlhaven writes about Legos and September 11th
Tracey says of her post "Finally- I remember the quiet. I had never noticed how much noise planes made flying overhead. Until there were none. Over time I started to hear the ocassional loud drone of airplane engines- deep abnormal sounding engines. I remember a moment of panic.Then my husband said-
'Yep, that's a blah blah something something fighter plane' (that's what I heard- though I know he said something much more technical than that)
A fighter plane. This is not an airshow. This is our new world. A world where Terrorists will try to kill you, just because you're an American. I prayed......" Tracey also has a tribute a a victim of 9-11 here.
Michele at Life Under the Sun remembers the day she saw pure evil. She also pays tribute to two 9-11 victims William Fallon and Mattew Blake Wallens. I've updated my post to include my daughter Sarah's remembrance.
Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer writes about making pancakes with her little boy that awful morning. She also prays tribute to a 9-11 victim, Oleh D. Wengerchuk.
Chilihead says of her post, "My disjointed, surreal memory of September 11, 2001. Things are still difficult for me to put into sequence, let alone complete thoughts."
Kailani of The Pink Diary says of her post "Madeline was a flight attendant onboard American Airlines #11 which hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. She is known for being one of the few who were able to make a cell phone call to authorities."
Slackermommy remembers September 11 and the grace that followed this life changing tragedy.
Five years have passed and most days it is easy to forget the 9/11 tragedy and move on with our daily lives. In Dreaming What Ifs... Karmyn R reflects about that day and says, I REMEMBER
Laura says of her post, "From San Jose, California, New York, Washington and Pennsylvania were far removed from me. Later I would discover my personal 9/11 connections: a cousin who had just recently returned from maternity leave and worked in the North Tower, an acquaintance from my gym who was returning home from a trip to New York City, the son of a couple from the church we attended, the husband of a lady I supported through Sidelines while she was on bedrest for a complicated pregnancy. All were brutally murdered that day. Parents lost their children. Babies will never know their mothers and fathers."
Five years later, Moonshadow remembers how September 11th stopped her family in their tracks and changed their priorities.
Anna says of her post, "Horror at the magnitude of the attacks and at innocent Americans like myself being killed flooded my heart. Sadly, though, I felt little surprise. I had long suspected we would not forever be spared such attacks on our own soil." She also pays tribute to a 9-11 victim here.
Magi says of her post, "This post describes my thoughts as I experienced one of our country's most shocking moments along with my class of high school students." She also pays tribute to Dorothy deAraujo of Long Beach, CA who was returning from a visit to her son in Massachusetts.
While I was hundreds of miles away safe in my home, friends and family were right there in NYC.
Malissa remembers. She also remembers Florence Cohen, a victim of 9-11.
Cathy at Sunday Morning Coffee has put together a comprehensive timeline of terrorism up to and including September 11, 2001.
At A Hen's Pace says of her post, "I've posted my memories and a tribute to Todd Beamer, a college classmate of my brother's, who graduated from Wheaton College a few years after my husband and I did. There's a memorial there that we visit regularly with our children."
Do you know what year 9-11 took place? Did you know that one in three Americans don't remember? Do you remember what you were doing that day? Families like that of Ralph Francis Kershaw will never forget. For the past five years, She Remembers.
Forget the pundits. Honor the lost, and focus on what's ahead at Julie Carobini's site.
Swapwitch says that "We will never forget."
hodgepodger shares her 9-11 memories.
Susan at Reformed Chicks Blabbing remembers the horror of that day, of waiting to hear that her husband was OK.
Biker Betty says of her post, "I have a 'Remembered' and a tribute to William J. McGovern, Chief, 2nd Battalion, NYFD, one of the victims of 9-11."
Jennifer posted a tribute to Frank Joseph Naples
Grafted Branch remembers the events following the attack.
Turtles says of her post, "My September 11 post is about remembering that awful day and trying to protect the children from the images and sounds."
Bonnie says of her post, "It is about a shoe in a pile of rubble and the names on the fire fighter's helmets and how those images affected me. As a firefighter's wife, I couldn't help but search the backs of the helmets and read the names. I also couldn't help but imagine other women, who actually had something to look for, doing the same."
Also, you might be interested in e-mom's post, Helping Our Kids Process the News
Julie at Another Chance Ranch wants to know Where were you that day?
Kate says of her post, "it's personal memories of the day combined with some thoughts on the accuracy of the general public's views of 9/11..."
Kathleen Marie, Visions of 9/11 - From the Heart
Turtles says of her post, "My September 11 post is about remembering that awful day and trying to protect the children from the images and sounds."
Jenny of Joyful Notes says of her post, "My post is about remembering the events of the day but not forgettting the goodness of God."
Shalee discovers that God moves in mysterious ways, but if you have faith, God can be seen in anything that happens on this earth.
Polly at Life is a Buffet remembers September 11th through Psalms 91.
Holly: I Remember
fridaynightgirl, Even Now
Blessed Assurance, I Remember 9-11
Tammy, Remember, Reflect and Renew
huberama, Remember 9/11
Grim Reality Girl says she will always remember.
Mama C-ta, 9.1.1.
Melzie, Monday Memories...
Ang, A Beautiful, Horrific Day
Mamacita pays tribute to a 9-11 victim, Joan Donna Griffith.
PENSIEVE savors the moments of beauty amidst the destruction of 9-11, how music can often capture the feel of a moment, and how our collective memories bind us together.
Heather says of her post, "I've also posted about my reflections of 9-11 and what else came crashing down in my life that day, along with the Twin Towers."
Melissa is glad her children don't know about September 11th... yet.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Blogging Chicks 9-11 Carnival
If you would like to participate in this Carnival, please email me a 1 or 2 sentence description of your post and a link to it.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
9-11 Carnival
It looks like some of us would like a 9-11 Carnival, so we will have one. Since I've opened it up to everyone, I would appreciate it if you would let your readers know, in case they would like to participate.
Monday, September 04, 2006
How about a Carnival related to Sept. 11?
I know that many of us will be doing a tribute to the victims of the Sept. 11 attack but I was thinking about doing something more personal the night before. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a Carnival related to our remembrances of Sept 11.
Keep posting themes for a poll in the previous post but let me know if you like this idea and if you will participate. This Carnival will be open to any women who wants to participate, not just those on the Blogging Chicks blogroll.
Keep posting themes for a poll in the previous post but let me know if you like this idea and if you will participate. This Carnival will be open to any women who wants to participate, not just those on the Blogging Chicks blogroll.
Theme Carnival?
Do you guys want a theme carnival in a couple weeks? If you do, give me some suggestions for themes.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Free Blogger Templates:
Blogger Templates for Blogspot Powered Blog
Gecko & Fly
PannaSmontata Templates
Zoot's Designs
Blogger Templates
Free pictures: morgueFile
A video that demonstrates how to create a hyperlink in Blogger.
A video that demonstrates how to add a graphic to a post in Blogger.
HTML Code Tutorial
How to tag using Technorati and del.icio.us tags.
Fancy magazine type formating using CSS
Blogger Templates for Blogspot Powered Blog
Gecko & Fly
PannaSmontata Templates
Zoot's Designs
Blogger Templates
Free pictures: morgueFile
A video that demonstrates how to create a hyperlink in Blogger.
A video that demonstrates how to add a graphic to a post in Blogger.
HTML Code Tutorial
How to tag using Technorati and del.icio.us tags.
Fancy magazine type formating using CSS
Tags: blogging tools, templates, resources
Carnival of the Blogging Chicks #12
Please email me if I forgot your entry. I will be posting a new schedule this week.
Kate has been more immersed than usual in the responsibilities, philosophies and transitions inherent in motherhood.
Lindsey at Suspension of Disbelief has an important message to share about Inflammatory Breast Cancer, a very deadly and under-detected form of breast cancer. Please please read this post - it could save your life!
Is there a support group for support group attendees? No? There should be. Hi, I'm Rebecca, and I'm a Homeschooler.
Has your blog turned into something you didn't think it would? Has it gone a different direction than you thought it would? What has my blog become? It used to be a haven.
Jennifer at Snapshot writes, My Children Teach me About God.
Robin from PENSIEVE is reminded of the power of an encouraging word, particularly the apparently long-lasting effect.
Anna Venger's post is "Why Children?" in which she muses about why God would set up a system in which He would partner with a man and woman each time in making a new soul.
Malissa at Malissa's Merry Go Round shares a special moment with her son. In
I hope you'll still read to me.
In Dreaming What Ifs... Karmyn R decides to finally spill The Dirty Truth and come clean about something most women in America probably hide.
Michele explores the imminent death of her biological mother.
Mama Duck is celebrating Lil Duck's birthday all week long.
Melissa's three-year-old teaches us how to tell girls from boys at Making Things Up.
Michele of Life Under the Sun had a wonderful time in Phoenix and has great pictures to share.
Kate has been more immersed than usual in the responsibilities, philosophies and transitions inherent in motherhood.
Lindsey at Suspension of Disbelief has an important message to share about Inflammatory Breast Cancer, a very deadly and under-detected form of breast cancer. Please please read this post - it could save your life!
Is there a support group for support group attendees? No? There should be. Hi, I'm Rebecca, and I'm a Homeschooler.
Has your blog turned into something you didn't think it would? Has it gone a different direction than you thought it would? What has my blog become? It used to be a haven.
Jennifer at Snapshot writes, My Children Teach me About God.
Robin from PENSIEVE is reminded of the power of an encouraging word, particularly the apparently long-lasting effect.
Anna Venger's post is "Why Children?" in which she muses about why God would set up a system in which He would partner with a man and woman each time in making a new soul.
Malissa at Malissa's Merry Go Round shares a special moment with her son. In
I hope you'll still read to me.
In Dreaming What Ifs... Karmyn R decides to finally spill The Dirty Truth and come clean about something most women in America probably hide.
Michele explores the imminent death of her biological mother.
Mama Duck is celebrating Lil Duck's birthday all week long.
Melissa's three-year-old teaches us how to tell girls from boys at Making Things Up.
Michele of Life Under the Sun had a wonderful time in Phoenix and has great pictures to share.
Tags: Carnival
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I've been out of town

There isn't a theme this week but we will be having a Carnival, so make sure you send me your entry.
BTW, this was my hotel this week, it's called The Buttes, it was built on mountain. It was a really nice hotel except for the fact that the Internet wasn't free, so I couldn't get on whenever I wanted to. I purchased it for three days, Saturday and Sunday to post the Carnival and Wednesday to catch up on my email and to post to my blogs.
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